Cedar Rapids Shoulder Pain Treatment
Cedar Rapids Shoulder Pain Treatment
Cedar Rapids Shoulder Pain Treatment
When doing some quick research for this post, our results revealed that up to 15% of the general population will experience shoulder pain at some point in their life. Even that surprised us! What was more shocking was that the reoccurrence rate of shoulder pain in this population was 45-50%!
What that means, is that for the 15 out of 100 patients that will get shoulder pain, 7-8 of them will get their problem again, and again, and again.
The major issue is an issue we hear everyday at our office. Patients have failed to receive a diagnosis and only got care based off the providers previous training.
Often times, patients have tried multiple providers or therapies and had their pain months or years.
“for the 15 out of 100 patients that will get shoulder pain, 7-8 of them will get their problem again, and again, and again.”
One of the most common reasons for chronic shoulder pain that often goes overlooked is muscle adhesion. Muscle adhesion builds up through overuse and acts like glue on muscle. It limits range of motion and function, causes weakness and pain.
It is a BIG deal for many patients looking for chronic pain relief.
Sound familiar?
Chances are we can help!

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